We pride ourselves on our unparalleled customer service in the industry. We are comprised of 16 HomeLink Organizers that span over 70 countries. This unique, individual ownership element, is how we are able to offer this unparalleled personal attention to our respective members throughout their entire HomeLink Home Exchange Experience!
HomeLink members correspond via a secure, internal messaging system. Messages stay separate from other emails and, when ready, members can directly access an exchange agreement form automatically filled in with both parties contact information and certain home details.
Home exchange has evolved with HomeLink for over 70 years. Word of mouth from friend to friend and family to family has been our main source of growth. No give-away or cut-rate membership fees have drawn those just wanting to browse, or simply looking for low-cost travel. HomeLink is a state of mind and a set of values cultivated and transmitted over decades.
Welcoming members from around the world, HomeLink provides an on-line agreement form, in 11 languages, for convenience and clarity. The bi-lateral agreement formalises conditions of the exchange and eliminates possible misunderstandings regarding dates, number of guests and the logistics of the exchange. The exchange agreement form is an essential part of the successful management of all HomeLink exchanges.
While enjoying and supporting the world’s diversity, HomeLink's 10 Principles for a Successful Exchange are practiced by all members worldwide. From an honest description of the exchange home, to adequate shelf space, and a small gift of welcome, HomeLink members take comfort in the basic considerations they have come to expect from a HomeLink home exchange.
On completion of a home exchange, members are invited to complete an Exchange Evaluation. With questions based on each member’s respect of HomeLink’s 10 Principles for a Successful Exchange, the evaluation provides valuable feedback which helps maintain HomeLink’s standards of quality worldwide.
HomeLink's membership fees attract committed, serious members devoted to exchanging their homes. The quality of HomeLink listings reflects that level of commitment. Detailed and complete, exchange offers provide all essential information and more, including each member’s response rate to offer of exchange, bringing appropriate attention to those who are most actively engaged.
HomeLink offers a personalised experience in a new home, city, region or country. Members discover each other’s homes, neighbours and favorite sites. In gratitude for the comfort, thoughtfulness and insider advice that have been shared, members thank their hosts with an entry in the on-line Guest Book and so bring the HomeLink experience to life for all members to read and enjoy.
Our HomeLink community enjoys the same traditional, reciprocal, non-commercial home exchange opportunities we've been offering for the past 7 decades! This traditional type of home exchanging is what our members prefer for a number of reasons. First, it ensures a greater sense of mutual obligation to care for each other's home, since both exchange partners will ultimately be staying in each other's home. Further, we have learned that trading points can lose the personal element of traditional home exchange. This personal element is essential in maintaining a mutually honest and respectful environment across our HomeLink Community. We proudly refer to this as the Spirit of HomeLink.
You can rest assured, knowing that your home is in the good hands of another HomeLink member. In the case of a cancellation after the completion of the Home Exchange Agreement, HomeLink will use its network of local representatives to try and find a suitable replacement exchange.
Since 1953, HomeLink has been promoting home exchange as a unique alternative to mainstream tourism. In more than half a century, we have learned to do things differently. Thanks to clear policies and local support, HomeLink has been at the heart of the culture of home exchange. Ten elements of enhanced service to our members attest to our on-going commitment to quality.